Election Day

So, we’re supposed to talk about our experience on Election Day. I haven’t written anything on the topic as of yet because well…I didn’t exactly vote. Yes, I know, I know. Every vote truly does count, as was proven by the election in my town that was decided by one, single vote.

But what if I was that deciding vote? Would it have been fair if I had voted knowing virtually nothing about the candidates beside their political party? Was my choice not to vote actually the more mature decision rather than voting just to say I voted? I think so.

I think it’s somewhat irresponsible to vote without knowing at least where each candidate stands on a few key issues. I know every legal citizen aged 18 or older has the right to vote, but people can use that right incorrectly by simply voting for whomever.

Some people might think I was just being lazy or apathetic by not voting, but really I was making a statement. If you’re not properly informed and you vote, then you’re being more careless than I am.

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