Why We Love Twitter

Twitter really alive for one reason only which is to follow celebrities. Twitter is popular enough that one of your friends might have an account, but it’s not at the point that it’s really going to be worth writing anything. Not that many people are probably following you. I think facebook is always going to have an edge over twitter in the respect that you can do so much more than just post your status. Many people are going to choose to spend their time on facebook rather than twitter.

The only thing that really brings people to twitter is the accessibility of celebrities. Our society is obsessed with celebrities, and following them on twitter is just one more way to see into their lives. What makes celebrities so much more accessible on twitter rather than facebook is that you don’t have to friend someone on twitter, you can simply begin following them. Is it necessary that I know that Shaq is eating a sandwich right now? Not really, but in the celebrity obsessed time that we live in many people actually do want to know this kind of thing.

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